"The Ultimate Face-Changing Battle" Preliminary Entry Now Open for October 18 Paris Main Event
Preliminary Entry Now Open
for November 13 Paris Main Event
5分で顔を変える、異種格闘技戦、はじまります。 A five-minute, face-changing, cross-functional battle is about to begin.
A five-minute, face-changing, cross-functional battle is about to begin. 5分で顔を変える、 異種格闘技戦、 はじまります。
大好評のうちに終わった、東郷神社で開催された3月4日のプレ世界大会。 今回は、日本・アジア・そして欧州予選を開催し、世界の頂点を決定します。 The March 4 Pre-World Conference, held at Togo Shrine, was a great success. The next conference will be held in Japan, Asia, and the European qualifiers to determine the world's best face-changing power.
大好評のうちに終わった、東郷神社で開催された3月4日のプレ世界大会。今回は、日本・アジア・そして欧州予選を開催し、世界の頂点を決定します。 The March 4 Pre-World Conference, held at Togo Shrine, was a great success. The next conference will be held in Japan, Asia, and the European qualifiers to determine the world's best face-changing power.
September 2 - September 16: Preliminary Round (via Zoom)
September 17 - September 22: Qualification Selection Period
September 23: Announcement of Preliminary Results
Participants must have "face-changing skills." 参加資格は「技術者」であること」
Aanyone with skills of aesthetics, facial correction, beauty acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, or face yoga can participate. No special qualifications are required.
Those who pass the regional qualifying rounds will gather in Paris. 予選通過者がパリ本戦に出場
All 24 participants who pass the preliminary rounds held in various regions, including Japan and Paris, will gather at the main venue of the World Championship in Paris on November 13th to compete for the title of world champion. The main event in Paris will be conducted in a tournament format.
World Preliminary Rounds Start on September 2 9月2日~世界予選スタート
World Preliminary Rounds Start on September 2 9月2日~世界予選スタート
Participation fee is 20 Euros (free entry until July). 参加費用は20€(無料エントリーは7月まで)
Change in 5 minutes is the shape of the face and skin condition 5分で変えるのは、「皮膚の状態」と「顔の形」
Both preliminary and main rounds will be judged using dedicated AI measurement equipment and comprehensive evaluations by judges.
The spirit of "Tachi-ai (serious competition)" created by Japanese tradition 立ち会いは、5分間の真剣勝負
In the words of Zeami (1363-1443), the creator of Japan's traditional Noh theatre, the most famous saying is "Shoshin wasururu bekarazu" ("Do not forget your beginner's spirit"). In the context of our "Face Matrix" philosophy, this phrase addresses aging, emphasizing the importance of remembering how you confronted and overcame your initial facial insecurities.
During Zeami period, the spirit of "Shoshin wasururu bekarazu" led to Noh competitions known as "tachiai," where performers refined their skills through comparison and competition. Similarly, the Face Matrix Tournament provides a platform for technicians to compete and pursue excellence in their craft as Noh did.
1.Each match consists of two 5-minute periods for offense and defense. It is a single-round match without extensions or disputes.
2.Transform the opponent’s face beautifully within the time limit. Makeup is not allowed.
3.Progress cannot be made without proper manners. Any disrespectful behavior will be harshly judged.
4.Only pre-approved tools are permitted.
5."Observing" is also practice. Learning from others' matches leads to growth.
1.Each match consists of two 5-minute periods for offense and defense. It is a single-round match without extensions or disputes.
2.Transform the opponent’s face beautifully within the time limit. Makeup is not allowed.
3.Progress cannot be made without proper manners. Any disrespectful behavior will be harshly judged.
4.Only pre-approved tools are permitted.
5."Observing" is also practice. Learning from others' matches leads to growth.
March 4, 2024, operations at the Pre-World Finals 立ち会いのイメージ(前回大会決勝戦動画)
March 4, 2024, operations at the Pre-World Finals 前回大会決勝戦の動画
Results of the Pre-Event held on March 4
Face Matrix pre-World Tournament 2024 東郷平八郎が眠る東郷神社にて開催
Number of Participants in the Preliminary Round
Number of Participating Countries
Number of Participating Brands
Number of Attendees on March 4
プレ世界大会最終本戦出場者9名の頂点 Winner of the March 4 Event
山田 美衣来 様
Guest Judges from France Highlights from the March 4 Event
September 2 - September 16: Preliminary Round (via Zoom)
September 17 - September 22: Qualification Selection Period
September 23: Announcement of Preliminary Results